Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I saw a baby monkey just now and he's so adorable can die wtf

Note: I just commented on Cindy Teh, the MDG's blog telling her that she don't look bitchy to me. on her yoga post -_- I'm becoming more and more irrelevant each passing day. Crap.

Btw, what I was about to blog is totally unrelated to the title above just in case you really thought that I'm gonna blog about the baby monkey that I saw in a pet shop just now you're so smart I love you.


As a true Malaysian who don't just call themselves true Malaysian but be a true Malaysian (wtf?) , and a half-penangite (no my dad is not a Penangite neither is my mom in fact I don't have any relative that is from Penang but since my bf is, and since I love Penang foods SO MUCH I figured I'd fake myself as a half-penangite. until me and my bf break up of course and then I might want to be a half-kiasu-an singaporean or half-american yay. (:

Nevermind I start again, as a true Malaysian and a half-penangite I am constantly getting myself updated with the latest news in our country. without. failing. In fact, I sometimes get so caught up with politics that it irks my bf when I talk politics with him cuz he think girls should be talking about fashion stuffs like shoes or bags or stripey clothes or sauna and spas or cute guys or Dr Fish instead of cars, watches, chicks, or politicians, which I does alot, hence he thinks I'm not being normal. Not abnormal abnormal but as in abnormal abnormal if you get what I mean you can become God liao

So regarding being a half-penangite, my point is, our long anticipated Permatang Pauh by-election is really making Your Majesty, me, nervous wtf. I'm monitoring closely and getting myself updated every now and then from my one and only source, Malaysia Today.

However, for a more detailed updates there is another site where you can get a closer look at the scene with pictures included wei.

On a sidenote, I watched the news a moment ago about a robbery taking place at PIA (Penang International Airport) where 3 Indian guys fired some shots and fled (I think?) but I couldn't make out the rest of it since it's a mandarin news and the news presenter speaks mandarin which is too low for my standard wtf. An attempt to ask bf to translate failed miserably with the conversation went something like this :

Me : What is this news about?

Bf : At PIA

Me : -_-"

Fyi, I'm illiterate in Mandarin okay not blind wtf useless bf.

Thereby, I swear on my super enormous nail lacquer collection (eh they're the most precious things to me okay so don't you dare "cheh" at me) that Anwar is going to win irregardless of what dirty tricks the BN is going to pull on them because the chances of him (Anwar) losing is like Xiaxue and Dawn Yang going shopping together hand in hand or Paris Hilton staying sober and celibate for 1month or Malaysia winning gold medal in Olympic. Seriously.

In the meantime, watch closely and make sure you comb your hair tonight.


Updated at 10:44pm : Anwar polled 31,195 votes to Datuk Arif Shah's 15,524 finishing him off with a 15,671 vote majority while the third candidate Hanafi Mamat for (AKIM) polled only 92votes and lost his deposit ROFL. That poor thing..I don't understand why is he even contesting in the first place? You see? I told you so :P

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