Monday, July 28, 2008

Confession of an attached heart

Omg I swear I got electrocuted by a super cute guy yesterday! (Dar will kill me if he reads this).

You see, it happened when I was very busy checking out the stores in Times Square omg they are having crazy and I meant it crazy sales you will regret it if you don't go, when I noticed there is a guy standing some 10feet away from me got distracted by looking at me (it's not like I don't get that often muahahahhaha I damn beh bin and you're jealous cause I'm pretty don't lie)

It is undoubtedly that guy likes loves checking out chicks girls and we (wtf) I don't usually give a damn about it but this guy, this particular guy, there is something different about the way he stares and smiles at me. It is as if he'd known me for my entire life and I swear, when our eyes met, for that seemingly long but short 5seconds, I lost myself. (Dar will kill himself if he reads this too)

His smile makes my knee weak right on the spot! <--omg I got so infatuated by this blardy fool I'm talking like a 13years old

Then we walked right past him and I told Dar that the staring makes me feel "uneasy" (muahahaha).

Me : Why is he staring at me liddat? Makes me feel awkward and uneasy
Dar : *turn around and look* Oh, guys mah...nothing one la
Me : But he's handsome *smiles*
Dar : -____-"

But then again, he's probably just some jerk who is born with a silver spoon in his mouth or some bai ga chai (spendthrift) who drives his dad's 3series with the windows wind down wearing shades and holding a ciggie in his hand and smiles at every girls he sees irregardless of looks OR..or some desperate loner who spends more time in clubs hitting on girls than he does at home orrr I shuddup.

Still, I never believe in love at first sight because THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT ONLY LUST AT FIRST SIGHT moron.

Besides, how can anyone possibly resist someone who is so annoyingly charming and painfully smart like my Dar huh? :)

Okay, maybe it's just me.


Lately, I am getting more and more pissed at our government. First, their incessant childish attempts to tarnish the oppositions image by using extremely childish act such as barring schools in the 5states from inviting their CM or ANYONE who is with the opposition to ceremony, the immature act by the Tourism Minister in un-promoting these 5 states, unethically cutting off their funds, cancelling projects, blah blah blah.

And while some of us are puzzled and still being doubtful (duh) about the authenticity of the recent sodomising allegations of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim by this Saiful guy (I've seen guys way better looking than him from PKR), they (BN) pull yet another sandiwara. What's ironic though is that, when we thought that they should be finding faults with each other's party (as usual), they (BN) start biting amongst themselves.

This time over the issue of cars.


Haven't they've got any other better things to bicker about other than CAR?????

Terengganu wants Mercedes-Benz but our PM thinks Proton Perdana is already good enough besides being more economical. Now, unlike any case scenario where we expect Terengganu to just stfu and accept the order given by PM like everybody does, they just won't.

According to them, Merz is low maintenance, fuel saving, bla bla bla which in contrast means that Perdana sucks. patriotic of them! to degrade their country's very own production! What a perfect example for the term 'HYPOCRITICAL'.

Oh, this suddenly reminds me of a very controversial incident sometime ago when the PM objected the appointment of Terengganu's CM by the Sultan.

Can anyone say KARMA? Tee hee :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Best diet ever!

As you can see/read, I'm trying on a new diet now because I'm so fat and pathetic like that.

It's called the Atkin's Diet (do check out the website if you're really desperate in losing some unwanted fats) and I've been on it for 3 days now, 5 to be exact but since I took too much of a little Fish Market In Manhattan yesterday and an adequate amount of my aunt's superb classic cheesecake the day before yesterday and I felt like a loser so guilty now that's why I minus off the 2 days wtf.

And I really gotta say that this is indeed the BEST DIET EVER (or best in my case) because, I get to indulge in ALMOST everything that I want without having to worry about putting on a few pounds later. Basically, I don't have to starve no more!

Incredibly, I've lost 2kgs in just 3 days! I hope the weighing scale is accurate cuz Aunt M said it's probably not BUT!! Carol said I look slightly slimmer than before so.....yay. :)


During the last night in KL that is last Saturday, Uncle Y and Aunt M brought us ( me and everyone in the family except for my dad which regretably couldn't make it because he's having fever why am I telling you this wtf) to Neway Karaoke because it was my mommy's birthday.

I was miserably snacking on mineral water and chewing gums (sugarfree one mind you) while the others had Kampai and keropok wtf.Then I was astounded when I heard my uncle sing because he really can sing lo...beside me la of course :P Ey, don't start calling me beh bin (horse face) okay because EVERYONE AGREED and I can see it because they kept begging persuading me to sing. Still don't believe? Yala yala I beh bin la.

On the sidenote, Dar shared with me a few funny news that he read from the newspaper lately and I thought it would be so considerate of me to share it here with everyone yeah I'm so kind I deserve a noble award.

Anyhoo, the first one was around last month? I think. It was about how NASA is considering about building a room on the moon for astronauts to have sex because apparently, human has sexual desire to be fulfilled.

Talk about facilities! Isn't that cool??

Imagine doing the horizontal cha cha thing without gravitation! They were even warned to be more careful while doing "it" cuz they might lose balance and hurt themselves. How thoughtful of the peole who came up with this idea. Damn those lucky bastards.

Next on was about an Ah Pek who went to this particular ATM machine accompanied by another friend, trying to withdraw money but couldn't due to some technical problem.

Ah Pek : Eh wtf <--(self-added) Why kenot withdraw one? Spoil d ah?

Ah Pek's friend : money say no money la, don't kei kei la..hahahaha...

Ah Pek : *tulan*

Consequently, Ah Pek got overwhelmed by all the teasings and decided to sue the bank. And guess what? The bank had to pay precisely ten thousand ringgit to Ah Pek as a compensation for their "lack of credibility"!

Wah lau wei~ Like this also can lor~

Why not me?? Oh, I don't have money to withdraw. Diu.

I don't think so

"Check out The Star's mainpage for today, you girls will be so proud and happy!" - Rach

I hurriedly dashes to the PC, excited, and curious at the same time. After all, how often do I get a text message from Rach not asking about her lost birthday card or pestering me to get my pretty ass back there asap. After a few minutes of searching...
Ooh kay... I.Think.I've.Found.It.

It's our lovely Miss G and a whole lot bunch of people, I assume, making the headline in her Alice-lost-in-wonderland-and-stumbled-upon-some-scary-flowery-monster-who-turned-her-into-a-horrifying-fairy costume.

Totally unexpected. I was hoping to read something about maybe Anwar's long anticipated glorious day of becoming the Prime Minister or Altantuya's murderer which I presume is bald, fat, and a pussy whose wife force him to put on her lipstick to work <--(this word just seem so wrong ) office everyday finally being brought to justice.


Look at what they have done to our darling, Rach!

Wait, did you just say PROUD?

Sweet Revenge

For those who has been calling her fat/stupid/ugly/insane/pathetic_____ <-fill in the blank here

Take that!

(and yes I have been a Britney's fan since forever now shut up)

Way to go girl!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fresh a-head

Ultimately, after been hesitating for almost half a century now, I was dragged to the saloon by Dar today.

Apparently, he wants to put an end to my intolerant habit of checking my hair all the time on reflective stuffs everywhere we go.. for good.

Coming out of the house *check reflection on the sliding door*

Inside the car *take compact mirror out and check*

Eating halfway *take compact mirror out and check*

Whilst window shopping, see reflection on shop's display window * check*

Halfway shopping in a particular shop, sees BIG, LENGTHY mirror *check*

At the end of the day, I've probably checked myself more often than Snow White's stepmother herself did in her entire life (so proud wtf :D). Unfortunately, Dar felt irritated and he think I'm paranoid. (where got??)

I guess my constant quick 2minutes visit to the washroom is starting to take its toll on him already. So impatient. And he say that annoys him? Scoff.

Actually, I've been contemplating between curls and straight because I wasn't really ready and because my hair I look so gorgeous on good hair day. Else, I'm petrified if I choose the former over the latter, blind people or stupid kids stranger might call me AUNTY.

Either way, I had to choose before Dar lost his bloody mind and stupidly decided to dump me. No no no, I cannot let him do things that I know he will regret doing because I'm the best gf ever just kidding la on the last part wtf.

Eventually, I settled on straight because curls require high maintenance and I don't want to waste money on pricey, fucking overrated hair products. Ya I know you rich la.

Speaking of which, I still remember back then when I was younger, we (me and my korkor, didi and sister) all uses SOAP (no kidding!) to wash our hair because we don't know what shampoo is still don't have the luxury yet, but my hair was so absofuckinglutely volumed and healthy lo.

Now that I'm "wiser" and switch to Dove (yea I know you use Kerastase la bitch), why my hair become like fuck already??! Actually not really like fuck la but at least I don't remember having to complaint about hair loss problem lo..


My hair will re-grow, my hair will re-grow, my hair will re-grow *repeat a hundred times*

Anyways, rantings aside and picture time!

Nice or not? Nice or not? Say nice. Angle-wise, I look so sexy I know don't be jealous.

As a matter of fact, I MIGHT love my new hair soon, I said might because you'll see why.

Wtf my hair's so flat I look like some nerd who lives in a state library and pretend that I loves carrying textbooks for the teachers. Or worst still..

Some 22years old ah lian who still likes to lepak at DISCO <--Can somebody tell me why???

God, I know you sometime favours me less but please, please just KEEP my ex-best friend who used to back stab and spread lies and rumors about me, my kiasu's neighbour's kiasu daughters, the guys that I had dumped, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, Dar's ex-gf(s) AWAY from bumping into me and my flat, damp hair that is, IF I ever leave the house for toilet papers.

Btw, you're so lucky you saw my naked face just now and I haven't wash my hair for 2 days now.

Ima go suffocate Dar with it.

Hairgasm anyone?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I want to die

God hate me so much he make me so fat! No, not really fat la because I've actually took the BMI test and was categorized as healthy and Tyra Banks say a size 12 isn't fat and I'm just 8 (on fat day) <--wtf so defensive

Comparably my booty is slightly bigger than average *continue to live in denial*
which tragically means..


no skinny jeans...

='( ='( ='(

green so nice..

In fact, it is extremely not possible for me to wear them and not look like as if I'm hiding 3 gallons of saddle bags underneath those jeans.

yeala I like to exaggerate

Wth you stupid fashion inventors you think everyone is anorexic and butt-less is it or you want girls to go on a crash diet just to fit into your skimpy jeans before it goes out of trend huh??!

Have you realise the amount of agony you had imposed in us??
<--pretending to be the minority




I want to wear skinnies also~

Life has never been fair :(