Monday, July 28, 2008

Confession of an attached heart

Omg I swear I got electrocuted by a super cute guy yesterday! (Dar will kill me if he reads this).

You see, it happened when I was very busy checking out the stores in Times Square omg they are having crazy and I meant it crazy sales you will regret it if you don't go, when I noticed there is a guy standing some 10feet away from me got distracted by looking at me (it's not like I don't get that often muahahahhaha I damn beh bin and you're jealous cause I'm pretty don't lie)

It is undoubtedly that guy likes loves checking out chicks girls and we (wtf) I don't usually give a damn about it but this guy, this particular guy, there is something different about the way he stares and smiles at me. It is as if he'd known me for my entire life and I swear, when our eyes met, for that seemingly long but short 5seconds, I lost myself. (Dar will kill himself if he reads this too)

His smile makes my knee weak right on the spot! <--omg I got so infatuated by this blardy fool I'm talking like a 13years old

Then we walked right past him and I told Dar that the staring makes me feel "uneasy" (muahahaha).

Me : Why is he staring at me liddat? Makes me feel awkward and uneasy
Dar : *turn around and look* Oh, guys mah...nothing one la
Me : But he's handsome *smiles*
Dar : -____-"

But then again, he's probably just some jerk who is born with a silver spoon in his mouth or some bai ga chai (spendthrift) who drives his dad's 3series with the windows wind down wearing shades and holding a ciggie in his hand and smiles at every girls he sees irregardless of looks OR..or some desperate loner who spends more time in clubs hitting on girls than he does at home orrr I shuddup.

Still, I never believe in love at first sight because THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT ONLY LUST AT FIRST SIGHT moron.

Besides, how can anyone possibly resist someone who is so annoyingly charming and painfully smart like my Dar huh? :)

Okay, maybe it's just me.


Lately, I am getting more and more pissed at our government. First, their incessant childish attempts to tarnish the oppositions image by using extremely childish act such as barring schools in the 5states from inviting their CM or ANYONE who is with the opposition to ceremony, the immature act by the Tourism Minister in un-promoting these 5 states, unethically cutting off their funds, cancelling projects, blah blah blah.

And while some of us are puzzled and still being doubtful (duh) about the authenticity of the recent sodomising allegations of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim by this Saiful guy (I've seen guys way better looking than him from PKR), they (BN) pull yet another sandiwara. What's ironic though is that, when we thought that they should be finding faults with each other's party (as usual), they (BN) start biting amongst themselves.

This time over the issue of cars.


Haven't they've got any other better things to bicker about other than CAR?????

Terengganu wants Mercedes-Benz but our PM thinks Proton Perdana is already good enough besides being more economical. Now, unlike any case scenario where we expect Terengganu to just stfu and accept the order given by PM like everybody does, they just won't.

According to them, Merz is low maintenance, fuel saving, bla bla bla which in contrast means that Perdana sucks. patriotic of them! to degrade their country's very own production! What a perfect example for the term 'HYPOCRITICAL'.

Oh, this suddenly reminds me of a very controversial incident sometime ago when the PM objected the appointment of Terengganu's CM by the Sultan.

Can anyone say KARMA? Tee hee :)

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