Monday, July 21, 2008

I don't think so

"Check out The Star's mainpage for today, you girls will be so proud and happy!" - Rach

I hurriedly dashes to the PC, excited, and curious at the same time. After all, how often do I get a text message from Rach not asking about her lost birthday card or pestering me to get my pretty ass back there asap. After a few minutes of searching...
Ooh kay... I.Think.I've.Found.It.

It's our lovely Miss G and a whole lot bunch of people, I assume, making the headline in her Alice-lost-in-wonderland-and-stumbled-upon-some-scary-flowery-monster-who-turned-her-into-a-horrifying-fairy costume.

Totally unexpected. I was hoping to read something about maybe Anwar's long anticipated glorious day of becoming the Prime Minister or Altantuya's murderer which I presume is bald, fat, and a pussy whose wife force him to put on her lipstick to work <--(this word just seem so wrong ) office everyday finally being brought to justice.


Look at what they have done to our darling, Rach!

Wait, did you just say PROUD?

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