Saturday, November 15, 2008


You know, eventhough being wife to any well-known celebrity is a privilege and enviable, it can sometimes be tough, especially if your husband is Eason Chan.

Don't believe me?

Nah, see it to believe it.

No big deal you say?

still acceptable what?

How bout this?

Poor Mrs Chan is probably clenching her fist now while consoling herself and say "mou yeh geh mou yeh geh (translation =nothing one), he's a meng seng (singer), it's inevitable. At least he still finds girl attractive. I can handle a little competition one"



"Girls are boring. I prefer indifference now"

By this time Mrs Chan is probably tossing their daughter into the garbage bin and setting their house on fire while shouting "sei lou! sei lou!" (bastard).

and upon seeing this, she shrieked and run to the safety box hidden in their bedroom's toilet and reach for Eason's left preserved ball and flush it down the toilet bowl while cursing his another ball.

the next thing you know, she's raging and cursing her head off while calling her lawyer to sue the producer of Brokeback Mountain.

Tsk Tsk Tsk.. that poor thing.

Uh oh...looks like someone could use some impulsive shopping and expensive spa to ease the tensions a little bit. Don't forget your shade!

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