Tuesday, April 8, 2008


One of the many things that I really hate about myself is my forgetfulness. I would comfortably forgets from the tiniest things like my freshly done nails, stuffs that I've placed/misplaced, my menstrual cycle, to important birthdays and anniversaries. Usually I would just grumble but other time, it just annoys me to the max.

Ughh..some small mistakes are sometimes too careless to be forgive. Like this time for instance when I left my pen drive back home during yesterday's morning when I was in a hurry to catch the bus. I forgot to check the time -___-" I had pathetically saved all my posts that I blog using MOffice in it since there is no bloody connection back home. I could easily die if I were to stay for a few more days, say a week? For the past couple of two weeks, I have been living a caveman life without an Internet connection and it suck big time SERIOUSLY.

Unsurprisingly, I don't bother to blog about what I saved in the pen drive again until the next time I go home to collect it which I hopefully will remember. Frus.

I called mom the minute I woke up this morning to ask her to keep my pen drive for me and not to let anybody use it ESPECIALLY Manda. I've got some private stuffs in it .. XD

And if she ever gets to use it, I'm done. Seriously, I'm not making a big fuss about some stupid pen drive you know. Manda never fail to pissed me off to the core once with her insensitivity and tantrums. She would lashes out at you even if it was her fault. Stoopid bitch.

Speaking of insensitivity, it reminds me of last night when I was totally pissed off when I found out that she's been secretly sending pictures from my phone to hers. Obviously she didn't tell me because if she did at least intended, she wouldn't have send them without my knowledge. I totally freaked out when I found out from my phone's last searched device and I sent her a text to confront her immediately. She didn't reply me until the next morning and I was left feeling emo-ed throughout the night wtf.

As expected, she admitted that she did, but it was only a picture of her dog which I took using my phone cam. I really don't know if I should believe her man.. because theoretically, her dog's with her most of the time and do you think that she did not have any picture of her (the dog) at all ? When on the other hand I only have like....a friggin 2? Doesn't quite make sense right?

And from what I know, she is a person who will never hesitate to use or take my stuffs without even informing me and the next thing I know, *poof* missing stuffs.
I'm so sick of confronting her again and again about it that I would just let it pass. Honestly, I don't mind sharing things with people as long as they remember to ASK for my permission because I don't like to find my stuffs missing and having to turn the room upside down to find for them especially when I'm in a hurry. And I don't like it more when you denied it when being confronted and I would "miraculously" found them in your bag damnit.

I really cannot stand lies and rudeness so much that I change my perception of you the moment I found out that you are one. One chance is all you have to compensate and if you screw it up, I'll screw you up. No kidding.

Anyways, pissness aside and here's some random pictures to brighten up my gloomy day :)

Baby A with her coleslaw

Baby A showing off her row of white teeth

Dummy posing with her bunch of Ferreros.

So effortlessly -___-"

Evil me :)

Me and Mr. Bf with our sprained neck

I like! :)

Distracted boy -_-"

Our cuteness overload pignose turtle

Vainpot with dirt in her eye? lol ;p

Candid shot by my favourite pervert

My smelly bolster

Coffeebean's super pretty muffins!

My lookalike-but-only-shorter bestie, Ally :D

Manda's evil dog -.-


Baby A's sulking

Shit mood now. Going off to make more holes on Manda's pictures. Chee buy.

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