Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Too soon

My mind went blank all of the sudden. I don't know if I should start speculating now or to wait for confirmation but I am definitely unprepared for this now. So unexpected and surreal if it's true, but I better not start freaking out too early in case it turn out to be a false alarm or misunderstanding.

Unknowingly, what should I do or say if it's true?

I'm speechless.


OMG I'm pregnant wtfholymothertheresa! Kidding la. :) It turned out to be a really lame punya joke that stupid S has pulled on me wtf. He attempted to make me feel sorry by telling me that "grandma has left us already" in a very solemned voice and I did believe okay wtf. Then it turned out that he actually meant that she (grandma) has moved out to stay with his uncle/grandma's son. I kpkb when he explained to me while he seemed to be so amused with my stupidity wtf. Lame. Sometimes it really amazes me of how my imagination can overworked and drag me beyond normalcy.

Then I totally pissed when people laugh at me for being so gullible or (I hate to use this word) ...dumb. Hey please lor, if I'm dumb for believing you then you're despicable because you're not trustworthy :P

Well, least to say, I prefer being dumb than despicable lo :)

p/s: Btw, *touchwood* for the pregnant part. Cringe.

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